Unión 84

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How to integrate with applications on your website?

First you must go the 3Pod builder home page and then select settings from the blue floating menu on the left side. Then we click on applications. Add application. Here you will be able to see all the options we offer at 3Pod to carry out your integrations, you just click connect, follow the step…

What are “cookies” and “builder confidentiality and how do they affect my project?

“Cookies” are text files that are stored in a user’s browser when they visit a website. These cookies contain information relevant to the website, such as user preferences, login data, activity tracking or shopping cart information, etc. “Builder confidentiality” refers to the policies and security measures implemented by the website builder to protect users’ confidential…

How to customize “labels” in your website?

In order to customize labels in 3Pod you must enter the settings option in the floating menu on the left side. Then you click on the “personalization” option. You can modify the content using personalization tags. You can create dynamic properties and use them on your pages. System properties Member’s name – {member.first_name} Shows you…

How to add custom code to your website?

To add customized code to your website or funnel, go to “settings” on the left side menu. Then click on “custom code” We will have several options in which you will be able to place your personalized code according to your needs, for example Google tag manager code, Facebook pixel, Google ADS, Hotjar, among others….

How to improve your website’s SEO?

Go to settings on the left side menu on 3Pod’s homepage. Then click on “page SEO” Here you will be able to see the SEO of the page you are on at the moment, for example in this case I am on the main page (Home page, Home) now we will be able to modify…

​How to use the File Manager on your website?

The file manager is a feature within settings where you will be able to see all stored files, whether it is your website or funnel, for example images, videos, gifs, pdfs, among others. To access click on “settings” on the left side menu on your homepage. Then click on “file admin”. Then two (2) options…

How to make general adjustments to your website?

In general settings you will be able to make the following configurations: For a website If is a Funnel or sales Funnel.

How to connect domains to your website?

You can connect domains to your websites entering “settings” on the left side menu in your 3Pod homepage. Then click on “domain” Click on “connect an existiing domain” Enter the name of the domain that you want to connect, for this example we are going to use a test one. (try.tiendathebox.com). We click on connect…

How to select your language and time zone on your website?

You need to access “settings” from the left side menu on your 3Pod home page. Then click on “language and time” Once you are in this option you will be able to modify the language of your website builder, time zone and date format. To save your preferences click on “save” Remember that changing the…

How to configure URL redirection on your website?

URL redirection can be used in the event that the sub page you had no longer exists because you deleted it or you want to send the people who enter that link to another link, to carry out the process we go to the 3Pod builder and In the floating menu on the left side…