Unión 84

Welcome to the 3Pod Customer Service Portal

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How to customize “labels” in your website?

In order to customize labels in 3Pod you must enter the settings option in the floating menu on the left side.

Then you click on the “personalization” option.

You can modify the content using personalization tags. You can create dynamic properties and use them on your pages.

System properties

Member’s name – {member.first_name}

Shows you the name of the registered user on your website or funnel

Member’s Last Name – {member.last_name}

Shows you the last name of the registered user on your website or funnel

Member’s Email – {member.email}

Shows you the email of the registered user on your website or funnel

URL Parameter – {param.name}

Shows you the value of a URL parameter (case-insensitive, spaces are replaced by _). Example: URL parameter like first_name=John or First%20Name=John can be accessed via {param.first_name}

Current year – {current_year}

Shows the current year in YYYY format

To add another tag, click on add personalization tag.