Unión 84

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Ajustes Generales de la Tienda

How to cancel your 3Pod Plan?

To cancel your 3Pod plan correctly, it is important to follow the following steps precisely: 1. Log in to your 3Pod account and click on the user icon located last in the upper right corner. 2.- Select “Profile and Preferences” from the menu. 3.- Click on “Active Memberships” 4.- Then, select the trash can icon…

How to connect Mercado Pago Colombia as your payment solution in 3Pod?

In Colombia you will be able to work with Mercado Pago to charge your customers at the time of purchase. You just have to open an account and connect Mercado Pago Colombia as your payment provider, following these steps: 1. Go to your store in the website builder. 2. Click “Settings” and then “payment” and…

What are the general Store settings and how to apply them?

To change general store settings, click on “store” in your 3Pod builder. Then click on “settings.” Now, select “general” and here you will see all the possible changes that you can make in the store, such as Currency, Currency symbol, Currency symbol position, Weight unit, Store operation, Next invoice number, Mark orders as abandoned if…

How to connect PayPal as a payment provider in 3Pod?

Go to store, settings and on the right side payments. Under active payment providers click add another and choose PayPal. PayPal is a great alternative to opening a business account with a credit card. With PayPal you can accept payments from PayPal, credit cards and debit cards. Customers are directed to PayPal upon checkout. Connecting…

PAYPAL, PAYU, STRIPE: The best payment platforms in LATAM

ONLINE SALES IN LATIN AMERICA Electronic commerce is going through its best moment. According to a study carried out by BlackSip, a consulting and digital services company, it is estimated that by 2019, electronic commerce in Latin America will grow 17% with an estimated sales of US$85 billion. GROWTH BY COUNTRY Colombia: According to the…

How to connect Stripe with 3Pod?

Para conectar Stripe a su sitio web o embudo, simplemente vaya a la sección Tienda y luego haga clic en Configuración para ingresar a la Configuración de la tienda.

How to connect PayU Colombia as a payment provider in 3Pod?

In Colombia you will be able to work with PAYU and thus you will be able to charge your clients at the time of purchase. You just have to open an account by following these steps and that’s it. To connect PayU Colombia as a payment provider, follow these steps: 1.Go to your store in…

Receive payments in LATAM with PayU

You can have all payment methods, integrate them into your digital channels and sell worldwide Receive money online for payments made with credit cards, bank debit, cash and more (know the payment methods). Integrations for all types of businesses: from collection links, shopping cart, to API and SDK for mobile applications (among many more). Web…