Unión 84

Welcome to the 3Pod Customer Service Portal

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Autor: Johban Clavijo

How to customize “labels” in your website?

In order to customize labels in 3Pod you must enter the settings option in the floating menu on the left side. Then you click on the “personalization” option. You can modify the content using personalization tags. You can create dynamic properties and use them on your pages. System properties Member’s name – {member.first_name} Shows you…

What are Website widgets and how to use them?

Widgets are options used to create your website or sales funnel. At 3Pod, we have a wide variety of options, such as basic widgets focused on texts, buttons, containers, images, etc. Lead generation widgets are tools designed to capture information and generate leads. These widgets are placed on websites, blogs or other digital platforms, and…

How to integrate Effi with your website?

The first step to integrate Effi with your store is to enter into your 3Pod account and go to the builder feature. Select the website you want to connect to and click on applications. Select install EFFI from the apps options. Follow this instructions to start your integration with the EFFI app.

What are the “sales funnel” tools and how to use them?

Among the sales funnel options, we have tools that are very helpful to analyze sales, visitors, orders, better performance, among others. To access these tools, go to your sales funnel in 3Pod, in the floating menu on the left side, select “funnel”. From there you can access each one of the available options. 2. In…

How to integrate “Triidy” with your website?

The first step to integrate Triidy with your store is to enter into your 3Pod account and go to the builder feature. Select the website you want to connect to and click on applications. Select install Triidy from the apps list. Log in to triidy with your credentials, you can also choose if you want…

How to integrate Dropi with your website?

The first step to integrate Effi with your store is to enter into your 3Pod account and go to the builder feature. Select the website you want to connect to and click on applications. From the apps list selct install Dropi Log in to dropi with your credentials, you can also choose if you want…

How to use the Video Manager tool in 3Pod?

To use the video manager, log in to your 3Pod account and click in the upper left corner to display the menu and then click on video manager. To add a video select the “upload video” feature. Once you have selected the video to upload, you just have to wait a few seconds. When you…

How to use your “Graphic Design” plan in 3Pod?

To susbcribe to a graphic design plan, you must log in to your 3Pod account and click on the profile icon in the upper right. go to memberships. Then click on the graphic design icon and select the plan that best suits your graphic design needs. When you purchase your plan, you will be able…

How to use 3Pod´s Wallet ?

Thid is what you can do when you use 3Pod´s wallet: You can make your plan payments using your 3Pod wallet. You will also be able to use it as a method of withdrawing commissions under certain conditions. You just need to add your 3Pod wallet as your preferred withdrawal method in your profile settings….

What is 3Pod Academy and how to enroll ?

At 3Pod academy you will have access to courses related to the platform that can help you take the next step while learning with us. For access to the 3Pod academy you must log in to your 3pod account, then click to display the menu on the left side and click on 3Pod academy. Once…