Unión 84

Welcome to the 3Pod Customer Service Portal

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Autor: Johban Clavijo

How to cancel your 3Pod Plan?

To cancel your 3Pod plan correctly, it is important to follow the following steps precisely: 1. Log in to your 3Pod account and click on the user icon located last in the upper right corner. 2.- Select “Profile and Preferences” from the menu. 3.- Click on “Active Memberships” 4.- Then, select the trash can icon…

How to connect Mercado Pago Colombia as your payment solution in 3Pod?

In Colombia you will be able to work with Mercado Pago to charge your customers at the time of purchase. You just have to open an account and connect Mercado Pago Colombia as your payment provider, following these steps: 1. Go to your store in the website builder. 2. Click “Settings” and then “payment” and…

How to integrate with applications on your website?

First you must go the 3Pod builder home page and then select settings from the blue floating menu on the left side. Then we click on applications. Add application. Here you will be able to see all the options we offer at 3Pod to carry out your integrations, you just click connect, follow the step…

What can you do from the Store´s Control Panel?

Entering the store section in the the 3Pod builder, then click on the control panel. From there you will be able to see everything related to the store in 3Pod such as the summary of sales, subscriptions, upsells and downsells and with better performance and you can filter by date to obtain metrics and accurate…

What are the general Store settings and how to apply them?

To change general store settings, click on “store” in your 3Pod builder. Then click on “settings.” Now, select “general” and here you will see all the possible changes that you can make in the store, such as Currency, Currency symbol, Currency symbol position, Weight unit, Store operation, Next invoice number, Mark orders as abandoned if…

What are global styles in your website and how to apply them?

Global styles of a web page are design and appearance rules that are applied globally throughout the site. They control features like colors, fonts, layout, and navigation elements to achieve a consistent, professional look across all pages. They simplify managing and updating website design and maintain a consistent look and feel across all pages.  …

How to add pop-ups to your Website?

To add them from your 3Pod builder click on “pages” located in the floating menu on the left side. Then click on “add new” option. Select the “Pop-up” option. You choose an empty template or a pop-up. From there you can customize and adjust your pop-ups. Such as pop-up position, pop-up display options, when to…

What are “subpages” in your Website and how to create them?

Subpages in a web page are additional pages that are linked and organized hierarchically under a main page. These subpages are used to divide and organize content in a more specific and structured way. Subpages are often used to create clear navigation and making it easier for visitors to find specific information within a website….

What are “cookies” and “builder confidentiality and how do they affect my project?

“Cookies” are text files that are stored in a user’s browser when they visit a website. These cookies contain information relevant to the website, such as user preferences, login data, activity tracking or shopping cart information, etc. “Builder confidentiality” refers to the policies and security measures implemented by the website builder to protect users’ confidential…

How to integrate “Hotjar” on your website?

First, you must create a free account with “Hotjar”, you can do it in the following link. https://insights.hotjar.com/register After entering your information, click on the “start” option . It is time to name of your project. Select what would you like to accomplish with the application. Add your URL and then click “continue”. Now, copy…